graphic design

Blog tagged as graphic design

This is a brief description of my internship experience at Abhyaz right from my experience with the Onboarding and my wonderful journey with the completion of different tasks which would not have been possible without my mentors till m exit session
29 Dec 2023 02:49 PM - Comment(s)
This was a very extraordinary experience for me at Abhyaz. This internship has helped me improve my work skills.
14 Aug 2023 12:33 PM - Comment(s)
"Pixels in Progress: A Graphic Design Internship experience Blog"
In this internship, I got an opportunity to groom myself as a graphic designer. I gained a lot of confidence here.I have worked almost all the collaterals for digital use which improved my designing skills.
25 May 2023 02:43 PM - Comment(s)
