I am Maitreya Chakraborty, a final year Civil Engineering student who joined Abhyaz as an intern on 14th August, 2023. I decided to apply for this internship in order to be able to gain some work-place experience and get some hands-on knowledge, and Abhyaz has provided me with every opportunity a young growing mind would want.
Project 1:
In my first week I decided to work on Computer Aided Building and Structural drawing and I chose the Bentley STAAD Pro software to show how to model a simple Circular Water Tank primarily using the Circular repeat command. STAAD Pro is one of the must use softwares in the field of Structural Analysis and Design globally and it’s easy to use interface and tools make it a very convenient software for engineers worldwide.

Project 2:
Project 3:
In my final outcome I decided to work on basic Computer Aided Engineering Drawing by demonstrating how to make a simple residential building in the Autodesk Revit software. Revit is a Building Information Modeling(BIM) software created by Autodesk. It is frequently employed in the design and management of building and infrastructure projects in the construction, engineering, and architecture fields.
This image shows a complete 3D representation of a residential building in Revit.