

Blog by Soumyadeep

How beneficial is Zoho CRM for client management and customer relationships
In this post , I have the opportunity to explain about my 3 month internship experience with Abhyaz. Here , I briefly summarize various projects I worked on, my experience working on various tools etc.
05 Sep 2023 04:44 PM - Comment(s)
Abhyaz's Zoho Implementation: Transforming Customer Retention and Asset Utilization at MTAB
Abhyaz's Zoho implementation boosted customer retention and asset utilization at MTAB through Abhyaz, transforming their operations successfully.
03 Jun 2023 04:29 PM - Comment(s)

In today's fiercely competitive business environment strong client relationships and efficient customer interaction management are essential for long-term success in today's fiercely competitive business environment. This is where a powerful Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool like Zoho CRM ...

03 Jun 2023 04:05 PM - Comment(s)
